Learning - Study Techniques

Study is the acquiring of information, the pursuit of some branch of knowledge and the devotion of time and thought to understanding a subject or mastering facts. The goal is on-going learning. 

St Francis College subscribes to a web-based Study Skills service which is available to all students at school and at home. To log on go to

www.studyskillshandbook.com.au​ and enter the username and password supplied at school.

The ability to study effectively is something that develops with time and practice. To be able to do this you need to develop your study skills. Effective study involves you thinking about and understanding your subjects and having confidence in your ability. By developing efficient study skills you should accomplish more and achieve better results. Study also involves you in setting goals and choosing methods to achieve them, solving problems, collecting information, comparing facts and forming opinions.

Success in studying is the result of hard work. By having a positive attitude to study, using effective study techniques and organising yourself, you will have more chance of success.


The atmosphere of where you study and work is extremely important.

Study and work in a quiet place that has good heating/ cooling and lighting. Avoid distractions such as ipods, radios, computers and TVs.

Ensure that you have space to work. Make sure that you have all the equipment that you need- books, pens, highlighters etc. You need to work in tidy conditions and have a comfortable seat.

Decide what is the best time for you to do study – some people work better in the morning, others at night. Learning is often best when you work in short, concentrated and focused bursts.


Set yourself achievable goals and then work towards them.

At the start of your study session review what you last did on the subject.

As a way of reinforcing information, write a brief summary of the key point from a study session, then see if you are able to remember them the next day. Many people find that after doing this two or three times they can understand and remember most of the notes they need.

Recording you information as a sound clip and then playing it back can help with memorizing facts.

Convert information into diagrams from memory

Allow yourself breaks in between study sessions. This will help to freshen up your mind and make the next session a more effective use of your time but make sure you go back to work. 

READ: Your notes from class, handouts and assessment work

CREATE: Make organized study notes. It is important that you remain up to date otherwise you may feel overwhelmed. Study notes will be particularly useful when preparing for exams. They will help you identify concepts/ content that you may not fully understand.

TEST YOURSELF: Quiz yourself by writing down or saying aloud the main points.

Make sure you understand your material. Memorising without understanding won’t help you to remember.

ASK: If you are unsure, seek clarification from your teacher as soon as possible. That way you won’t worry about things.


If you learn to develop an effective routine, studying and research will become easier.

Learn to recognise the best times for you to spend studying your hardest subjects.

Draw up a study and homework timetable which will fit your needs. Remember to consider all the demands you have on your time.

Consider family and work commitments

Don’t sell yourself short or set yourself up to fail. Be realistic but dedicated when devising your timetable.

Don’t just focus on the subjects you enjoy the most. All subjects you study are of equal importance and require dedication. At times, you may have to spend more time revising subjects you enjoy least.

Be flexible when necessary. Don’t try to cover too many subjects in one session. It is better to feel more confident with one area before you move on

Use your time wisely at school. This will save you during after school.

Plan ahead. Don’t leave researching for assessments until the last minute. Researching, reading and drafting requires time. If you don’t allow for this, extra pressure is put on you and you will not achieve your best.

Use your school diary to keep track of what needs to be done and by when.

Regularly check your school email and the work your teachers put online for you.

See your school work as a challenge and enjoy what you are doing. A positive attitude makes a difference!

The Homework Centre operates on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 3.30-5pm in Room 18. It is supervised by two experienced teachers who are rostered on. It is voluntary for students to attend. Students can seek advice on classwork, homework, assessment work and exam preparation.

The ELES Online Study Skills Handbook Site provides a comprehensive and interactive online experience for the secondary school community (students, parents and teachers) to develop the study skills needed for success in secondary school studies. This approach taps into students’ affinity with technology to create a new and effective way to improve students’ study skills. There are currently 26 interactive units of work on the site, a number of additional mini-units and lots of extra features. Our College currently subscribes to this site. Passwords can be obtained from the teachers.

Click here to view the Study Skills Handbook website